YEM Performance

YEM Performance

Date Minimum Value Trading Price Price Development 03.04.2021 6.3500 USD 6.5153 USD -0.2 % 08.03.2021 6.3500 USD 6.5300 USD +8.3 % 03.03.2021 5.8500 USD 6.0300 USD +1.7 % 22.02.2021 5.7500 USD 5.9300 USD +20.3 % 08.02.2021 4.7500 USD 4.9300 USD +9.6 % 01.02.2021 4.3000 USD 4.4999 USD +11.7 % 18.01.2021 3.8500 USD 4.0300 USD +14.2…

IGOFA Art Intro
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International Gallery of Fine Arts – IGOFA

The International Gallery of Fine Arts is a global network of artists, art lovers, art collectors, and art investors. IGOFA (International Gallery of Fine Arts) will be our gateway to the fascinating world of paintings, sculptures, installations, and more. And we, the Unicorn Network, are the gateway to blockchain technology and tokenizing art for the…

YEM Bids
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YEM Bids

Buy and sell products and services with cryptocurrency FOR BUYERS FOR SELLERS Find valuable products from eBooks to real estate on YEMBIDS. Open an account, place a bid, and if your bid is the highest at the end of the auction, you are the winner. Sell your valuable products and/or services on YEMBIDS and receive…